This last weekend was pretty long and crazy - hence the title of this post.
Friday night I kicked off my long weekend with a party at the Dupe de Lupe: The Finer Things in Life. I was excited for wine and cheese and even more excited when my brilliant boyfriend decided we should get port and chocolate....mmmmm. And not only is Marc brilliant, but he's hilarious too. He apparently owns his own tux and just happened to have a salmon-colored cumber bun and bow tie. He was pretty thrilled to get to wear them! The party was great fun, the port was delicious, and better yet, my much desired hang out time with some friends was met! :) The funniest parts of the night came after the party though. Marc and I hadn't had time for dinner, so we stopped by Taco Bell. After the drive-thru guy handed us our food, he said, "Enjoy your prom!" Really!? So maybe we looked young, but still, it was the end of August! The laughter continued after that when we stopped by Marc's friend's place. As we were leaving, someone complimented our dress and then her friend asked her as we walked away, "Did they just get married tonight!?" Again, let's break this down! 1. I'm in a black dress. 2. Why on earth would we stop by a party after getting married!? People are ridiculous! ...but it's much to my enjoyment so I can't complain too much. And for your very own enjoyment, here are some pictures from the night....
Saturday was moving day! I helped Marc, Greg, and Phil (who was gone in Chicago at a wedding....oh man, as Greg put it, "Phil owes us dinner. At least twice!") We spent ALL day moving and still weren't done. I can't believe how much stuff can fit into an apartment. Honestly, I don't quite understand! I was so tired and finally fell asleep on the living room around midnight while the guys were loading up some more furniture. I was pretty much spent and I think my fatigued-mono-recovering self had had enough.
Greg was kind enough to take us out for a really great Chinese dinner at Louie's in Ballard that night though. On a quick side note: Who would have thought a place called Louie's would have such great Chinese food!? It was pretty awesome what happened there. We prayed before eating as usual and a group of people happened to be walking by who had just finished. One of the men stopped and patted Greg on the shoulder and thanked us for praying in public and said it was really great to see. A couple of minutes later after he probably paid, he came back and put 50 dollars on our table for our dinner as a thank you! WOW! We all thought that was pretty awesome. It's something I hope I can return. I don't quite have the money to go around buying everyone dinner, but at the very least, I'd like to make it a point to thank others I see pray while out for a meal. It's just not done enough and I'd love to encourage people more and show my appreciation.
Sunday we were all pretty exhausted, but moved a few more things. Thankfully we were just down to the smaller things. We got a few loads and left the last couple of loads for Monday. It was great to go to Mass and get some much needed peace! And for the much needed fun I needed, Marc and I played some miniature golf! I had hoped to cut Marc's hair for the second time that day too, but we ran out of time. It's probably better that way. I was so tired! And well, I wasn't that great to begin with on my first hair cut. (It took me an hour and a half the first time! But at least the end result was decent. :) That's what counts!) To illustrate how tired we were, this was my favorite line of the day. Marc: We'll go play miniature golf and then come back and take a hair cut. We wanted naps so badly!
Instead of napping and a hair cut, we went out to the Pub at Piper's (or something like that) for Andrea's birthday. Happy Birthday, Andrea! It was a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed talking to the Dayton girls and playing darts with Marc, Britta, and ...oh man, Tom? Sorry...Tom? (It was Britta's friend from work who I just met, let's call him Tom.) It was the longest game of darts I have ever played. Marc was pretty good, I started off really well, Britta has ridiculous beginners luck, and I'm not sure if Tom has ever played before. So let's put the blame on Tom and myself and just say we hadn't finished the game before our time was up. Did anyone else know there was a time limit on darts?
Monday was another busy day and very fun! I brought Marc along for family time. We started at a BBQ my sister was having. I won't get into the ridiculousness of our adventure just to bring a side dish to share, but let's just say we ended up bringing a box of fries from the Pike Brewing Co. That's totally normal for a BBQ, right? After that we had dinner with my parents. I really enjoy them! :) We wrapped up the night watching Season 1 of the Office with some manis, pedis, and facials. It was so nice!
And Tuesday was back to usual with adventures in babysitting....I had 5 girls all together and some how the day went amazingly well....and I am so thankful because I was sooo tired! My little kiddos are so great! Just one more little shout out from Tuesday: Woo! Way to go Soccer West! My soccer team FINALLY beat a team we never beat to win the championship game. Holler!