Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Being around little kids all the time, I often get to enjoy "first moments" and I'm even lucky enough to get to enjoy the same kind of firsts repeatedly because I watch so many kids. Yesterday, Georgia said "bye bye" for the first time. It was pretty cute. And oh, one of my other more recent favorites was when Eleanor saw a rainbow for the first time. "Look at those colors!"

Something I had not anticipated, however, was the monumental firsts that I would get to experience dating my 24 year old boyfriend, Marc. In the last month and a half, he's had some big ones....

Marc's First Slurpee! I had him layer it to get the full experience. He later tried not to finish it, but I insisted he use the spoon part of the straw. Again, I felt he needed to get the full experience. It also helped that it was ridiculously late at night and we needed to drop something off for a friend an hour away! This was just before I found out I had mono...so I was sleeping most of the ride in the passenger seat. :) (Note: Marc has since had another Slurpee...success!)

Marc's First Time Up the Space Needle! Our first attempt was planned for just before Marc's birthday dinner, but when it started raining ridiculously like no other, we decided it was better to postpone. We finally made it this weekend! We had lots of fun followed up by walking around Seattle Center in which time Marc concocted a plan to get to the top of the big half-ball looking fountain. You know the one. The International Fountain is the actual name I do believe. He'll need two other people. He claims all three of you will be up there in three minutes, tops! So if you are interested, he's looking. Yep, that's my boyfriend! (Note: I know. The pictures are a wee bit lame because I don't have a super cool camera so you can't see all of the pretty city lights. We took a picture for another couple with a nice camera and reviewing the image just kind of rubbed it in after trying 800 different things for who knows how long on my camera.)

And here is me with Marc, sharing in the moment...

And for some recent shout outs:
-Happy Birthday Britta!
-Happy Birthday Aliscia!
-Congrats to the newlyweds, Andy & Jenn!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Fun

Jaden playing in the sand!

Getting Dirty!


Let's just dump it all over me!

Yeah, didn't taste so great...

Grandpa to the rescue! (Auntie Cole just took pictures...thanks!)

Mmmm, water!

And a little update from me....

I'm on the upswing of my mono! My symptoms are pretty much gone and now I'm just tired. I'm back at work full time this week and was hoping to get some work outs in too, but I'm pretty ready for a nap by the end of the work day. I'm very thankful this hasn't been worse.

And much cause for celebration...
-Happy 3rd Anniversary Stacey & Perry!
-Happy 30th Anniversary Mom & Dad!
-Happy 24th Birthday Marc!
-Congratulations to the newlyweds, Andrew & Lindsey!
-My cousins Jessica and Casey are both expecting their first babies in the next couple of months and Mike & Missy are expecting again!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just Kidding! I don't have allergies...

I spent a fantastic weekend in Longview working on a house for Habitat for Humanity with other young adults from the Seattle Archdiocese. It was a fun group, I met a lot of new people, and had a great time working on the house. It was just the dose of service I needed and I hope to do some more in the near future.

Unfortunately over the weekend my "allergies"/symptoms continued to worsen and because people could actually see my gland bulging out of my neck, I decided I would give in an go to the doctor. I don't have allergies, I don't have strep....

I have mono! :(

Seriously!? Who gets mono at 25!? That's what I thought, but apparently the most common age range to get mono is 15-25. Darn youth! And sure enough, facial swelling IS a symptom. It had at one point been brought up that maybe mono is what I had, but my saving grace was the lack of explanation of my huge eyes. That didn't really work out for me - bummer!

So what have I been doing today? Sleeping. I plan to be doing a lot more of that in the near future. If you could say some prayers for me, that would be absolutely wonderful. I have already discovered (or so I think) possible plans/reasons why God may be allowing me to have mono. He's brilliant really! I'll probably need the prayers mostly to take care of myself and not think, "Oh I can do it. It's not a big deal. I'll be fine." So if you could ask Our Blessed Mother to help me not be so hard-headed, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!!

Also, a little shout out to my mom - Happy 55th Birthday!! I love you!!

PS If you or anyone you know has mono, I'd love to know where I got this from!