Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving! God bless all of you!

Here are just a few things I'm thankful for:
-The opportunity to participate in the Mass this morning with both of my parents and my nephew.
-A wonderful family, with a new little girl on the way!
-Great friends, including my amazing boyfriend.
-A great job nannying.
-Being able to save my peacan pie after dropping it while trying to get it in the over.
-Surprise flowers to cheer my day.
-Dinners with family and friends.
-Those who support my loved ones with open hearts.
-The men and women serving our country.
-Tears and struggle that humble me and provide me with the opportunity for growth.

Thank you to all of you who bless my life. You are in my prayers today.

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