I love any day that honors our military. Along with a lot of common courtesies, respect, and etiquette that seem to have been lost in our culture is the loss of respect and pride in our men and women who fight for us and give up their lives. And I'm not just talking about the fallen, but about the daily lives that are given up to clean equipment, go on long marches, run obstacle courses, clean barracks, press uniforms to perfection, and all of the seemingly mundane tasks that go along with the job that make disciplined, hard working, obedient men and women. All of this while often away from families and friends and all the comforts of home.
They have left behind all they know to follow and to serve.
I keep thinking that sounds an awful lot like a great disciple. I pray today in thanksgiving for our veterans and those still serving. And for those who need it, I pray for conversions of their hearts, to never fear Jesus because of the jobs they have done, and that they will all hear Christ's call to continue to have hearts that allow them to leave behind everything, follow, and serve.
A special thank you to my Dad, Andrew, Anthony, Uncle Jim, Micheal, Christy, and Aunt Debbie.
And a special thank you in remembrance of my Grandpa, Uncle Rick, and Uncle Ray.
And another thank you to Jared and all of those I know who are still serving. And one more big thanks to the military wives (Kim and Mary!) and husbands and families who sacrifice so much alongside their loved ones and hold them up in their duty to keep on going.