Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Day as a Sub with 4 & 5 Year Olds

8:55 AM: Drop Eleanor and Georgia off in "Lefler House" (the room 3 & 4 year olds)

9:00 AM: Start subbing in "Carriage House" - hang out and talk with playing kids as they all arrive

9:15 AM: Walk to the Roy Street Cafe - "Inspired by Starbucks" (this is basically a Starbucks in disguise with alcohol and occasional live music or movie viewings). Kids get hot chocolate or orange juice, adults get coffee. :) The store managers teaches about where coffee and chocolate come from and how they are made.

10:45 AM: Get back to school and have snack - yummy muffins and strwaberries.

11:00 AM: Playground Time - hang out with kids and chat with teachers

12:15 PM: Go inside to potty, wash hands, and read a book for tomorrow's art activity

12:30 PM: Picnic outside

1:00 PM: School ends, after school care begins (now I'm on my own with no co-teacher), kids play on playground

1:30 PM: The "Magical Dress Up" Teacher arrives and I help kids get inside and put clothes on and watch.

1:45 PM: All done.

Great day! And did you know that coffee beans come out of cherries!?

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